Coordinating Access to Care

The Hospital Community Linkages (HCL) programs facilitate a smooth, coordinated transition from an acute episode in the hospital or emergency department to community treatment. Recently, HCL Inpatient and Adult Emergency Room Enhancement (ERE) were combined into one larger effort now known as LINCS. The goal of LINCS, ERE and Youth Emergency Room Enhancement (YERE) is to reduce preventable hospital utilization by adults and youth.



Linking Individuals to Needed Care and Supports


Youth Emergency Room Enhancement

Linking Individuals to Needed Care and Supports (LINCS)

The LINCS programs facilitate a smooth, coordinated transition from an acute episode in the hospital or emergency department to community treatment. The goal is to identify the care and support needed and help facilitate linkage(s) for each individual to reduce preventable hospital utilization for adults.

Program Overview

Liaisons from six community mental health centers (CMHC/CCBHO)* are located within ten Eastern Region Hospitals. They provide the following services:


Rapid identification, assessment and referral to treatment and other support during an adult inpatient hospitalization.


Facilitate client admission to treatment, including follow up phone calls, home visits and transportation to the first appointment.


Chris Hotard

Program Manager

Program Impact

To view or download the in-patient (IP) Impact Statement, click HERE. For more information: Contact Chris Hotard, Program Manager of Complex Care at

Referrals Since Program Inception


of FY21 clients were admitted into longer-term CMHC services

Adult Emergency Room Enhancement (ERE) Project

Staff from seven community mental health centers* work with clients from 14 Eastern Region hospitals to address the following services to target individuals who are high utilizers of regional emergency departments with significant behavioral health needs. To be eligible for services they have to be uninsured or under-insured. 

Staff offers the following services:

Meet with Clients

Identify/address needs such as housing, transportation, and food

Motivate them to start treatment


Chris Hotard

Program Manager

Program Impact

To view or download the ERE Impact Statement, click HERE. To view or download the ERE Annual Report, click HERE. For more information, contact: Chris Hotard, Program Manager of Complex Care at


decrease in adult ERE emergency department visits


decrease in hospitalizations


decrease in homelessness six months after program participation

Youth Emergency Room Enhancement (YERE)

YERE serves youth ages 6-17 with significant behavioral health needs who are referred from 11 Eastern Region hospitals, emergency departments, and youth clinics.

Program Overview

Outreach Clinicians from five community mental health centers* work with youth and their family members to provide:

Brief Case Management

Build Rapport

Assist with Treatment Intake

Accompany Clients to Their First Appointments

Make Referrals to Other Resources


Dana Silverblatt

Director of Community Programs

Program Impact

To view or download the YERE Impact Statement, click HERE. To view or download the YERE Annual Report, click HERE. For more information, contact: Dana Silverblatt, Director of Community Programs at


decrease in YERE emergency department visits


decrease in hospitalizations six months after program participation


of YERE clients were admitted into longer-term behavioral health treatment within three months after program inception

LINCS projects for both adults and youth are funded by the Missouri Department of Mental Health (DMH)