Welcome to Behavioral Health Network
Who We Are
Behavioral Health Network of Greater St. Louis (BHN) is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization that relies on the engagement and counsel of leaders from a wide spectrum of public and private sectors.
The success and impact of Behavioral Health Network of Greater St. Louis (BHN) lie in its demonstrated ability to bring together leadership of various organizations, stakeholders, and constituents within the behavioral health space, in a respectful and collaborative manner.
Together… we create a better system of care for those impacted by mental health and substance use. We connect, communicate, coordinate and collaborate for systemic change.
Who We Connect
- Healthcare Systems & Hospitals
- Community Based Mental Health Organizations
- Substance Use Treatment Services
- Primary/Physical Healthcare
- Advocacy Groups & Coalitions
- Community Advocates
- State & Local Government
- Faith Community
- Social Services
- Criminal Justice
- Funders
Mission Statement
Our mission is to improve our community by leading behavioral health planning and coordination… through shared responsibility, accountability, transparency, inclusiveness, mutual respect and racial equity.
BHN’s collaborative initiatives result in:
Reduced costs & increased efficiency
Enhanced quality of life
Expanded access, capacity & availability
Coordination across providers
Strengthened care delivery
Regional alignment
Our Work
BHN plans, coordinates, implements and leads innovative projects to inform systems change and address system gaps with the goal of strengthening the regional public sector behavioral health system.
Programs and Initiatives

Coordinating Access to Care

Building Community Engagement

Supporting Recovery

Strengthening Ecosystems of Care

Driving Decisions Through Data
Strategic Priorities
The strategic planning process is a systemic and collaborative process which establishes the future direction for Behavioral Health Network (BHN) and translates our collective vision into specific achievable goals and objectives.
BHN has three primary strategic goals which are aligned with the mission and vision of the organization and ensures the organization is effectively managing change and continuously planning. Embedded within these goals are the concepts of Racial and Health Equity Role Intentionality, and Agility and Flexibility.
Leadership – Innovation – Implementation
Lead the Behavioral Health system to develop and strengthen equitable, accessible, quality behavioral health services.
Partnerships – Integration – Trust
Improve the network’s ability to work collaboratively.
Capacity Building – Sustainability – Position for Growth
Strengthen internal infrastructure so BHN is better positioned to fulfill our mission of behavioral health planning and coordination.